

This document sets out the Privacy Policy (Policy) for Marriner Group (Princess Theatre Pty Ltd ABN 63 450 357 127) (Marriner Group, we, us, our). Marriner Group is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act). This Policy sets out how we collect, use, store and disclose your personal information and how we provide you with access to and allow you to correct your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act.

We recommend that you carefully read this Policy before you provide personal information to us. You should not submit personal information to us if you do not agree to this Policy. We may also change this Policy at any time. You should regularly check our website for changes to the Policy.

What personal information might we collect

The types of personal information which we may collect or which may be held by us about you will be dependent on the services utilised by you.

The types of personal information that we may collect include your: name, address, email address, phone number, credit card details, birth date, gender, image, records of your interactions and transactions with us, records of events that you have attended at one of our venues, dietary and health requirements, opt-in preferences, records of your communications with us including electronic forms and social media posts, analytical data generated through your access of our websites, online information, information relating to a disability, accessibility or companion card program and any other information that you have otherwise provided to us.

We may also store still and moving images and voices captured by closed circuit television (CCTV) and other cameras when you attend Marriner Group venues, or if you are filmed, recorded or photographed when you visit any areas in or around our venues including foyers, entries and adjacent footpath areas.

How we collect your personal information

We collect personal information from you in the following ways:

  • directly when you provide the information directly to us in person, by phone or in writing, including but not limited to, forms, data and images submitted to us, or on our website;
  • from third parties such as third parties selling tickets on our behalf, or on behalf of people staging events at our venues;
  • when we conduct surveys, competitions or market research;
  • from publicly available sources of information; or
  • in the event of a claim or complaint or where one is reasonably anticipated from the circumstances and it is reasonable to collect personal information to fairly and efficiently handle the claim or complaint.

If you provide us with information about another person, you must inform that person that you have done so, that they have a right to access the information we hold about them and that they should refer to this Privacy Policy for information on how we will handle their personal information.

Our purpose in collecting your personal information

We may use your personal information in order to:

  • verify your identity in relation to tickets you have purchased, concessions and special offers;
  • promote events and services at our venues;
  • enable you to purchase tickets, services, hospitality and merchandise;
  • understand your buying behaviours and preferences so that we can market ourselves and provide facilities and services more effectively in the future;
  • inform you of any changes to planned events;
  • gain an understanding of your interests so that we can improve the relevance of information we provide to you; resolve any claim or complaint;
  • protect your health and safety or the protection of the health and safety of others;
  • manage the security and safety of our venues;
  • inform you of offers from our third-party sponsors and providers which we determine to be of potential interest to you; or to comply with any law or compulsory notice from a court, tribunal or government agency.

We will not provide your personal information to anyone wanting to contact you for the purposes of marketing their own products and services to you. We will only permit special offers or invitations from third parties if such offers or invitations are promoted directly through us and where we determine such offer is of some interest or benefit to you.

How we hold your personal information

We take all reasonable steps to ensure that all personal information collected by us is securely stored and protected either through electronic controls and/or physical security measures. Personal information collected by us is stored securely to reasonably protect you from the misuse, loss and unauthorised access, modifications or disclosure of your personal information.

We keep your information for as long as it is needed for the purposes for which it was collected and to comply with any relevant legal requirements or obligations. Where your information is no longer required, we will take reasonable steps to destroy the information or ensure it is de-identified. We note that there are inherent risks in the management of personal information and we cannot and do not guarantee that unauthorised access to your personal information will not occur.

When we disclose your personal information

From time to time, we may need to disclose your personal information to other organisations which carry out our: customer enquiries;

  • ticketing;
  • marketing;
  • online sales and marketing;
  • information technology services;
  • first aid and emergency services; or
  • other services relating to events at our venues.

In addition, we may disclose your personal information:

  • as permitted or required by law;
  • to manage the safety and security of our venues including the gathering of surveillance material; and
  • to hirers and presenters of events at our venues to which you have purchased tickets so they can communicate to you directly about that event. We do not ordinarily disclose your personal information to overseas recipients.


When you create an account with us, including through our website and/or a ticketing contractor, or when you otherwise provide us with your contact details, we may ask you whether you wish to receive marketing information from us in the future.

Where you agree to receive marketing information from us, we may use your personal information to provide you with information relating to us and to events that we think may be of interest to you. If you later decide that you do not wish to receive marketing information from us, you can let us know by updating your details online through our website, by email to [email protected], or verbally by calling 03 9299 9990.

We will always inform you when marketing information comes directly from us by displaying our business address and telephone number, a direct electronic contact and a notice that you may decline any further direct marketing communications from us by using the website or otherwise by contacting us.

In our communications with you, we may provide links to websites and information outside of the Marriner Group’s control such as an event’s own website and social media channels, other forums and other advertising material. Linked sites and information may not be under the control of the Marriner Group and we are not responsible for the privacy practices or content associated with such links, which you follow at your own discretion and risk.

If we collect information about you from a third party such as an authorised ticketing agent, and it is unclear whether you have consented to us contacting you for marketing purposes, we will give you the opportunity to opt out of further marketing communications.

Sale of tickets through our agents

Where our ticketing agents sell tickets for events held at our venues, the terms of that ticketing agent’s privacy policy will apply.  Those policies can usually be found on the respective agent’s website.

Digital Surveillance

We use CCTV cameras and other recording devices in and around our venues for the safety and security of persons and our property. Any person inside or around our venues consents to being filmed, recorded and/or photographed (Recording) and consents to us using Recordings (or any part of them) by any means in any media for any purpose including promotions and investigations without further authorisation by, or compensation or attribution. We may also use Recordings to investigate, prosecute or support any security measures or for law enforcement purposes.

Employment information

If you apply for a job with us, you may be required to provide certain personal information that is reasonable to your job application. This may include your name, employment and educational background, qualifications and registrations as well as other more sensitive information to assess your capacity to perform the role. We will hold, use and disclose such information solely for the purpose of considering your application. In considering your application, it may be necessary for us to disclose some of that information to and/or to consult with third parties to verify the accuracy of such information. In such circumstances, we will disclose only the information that is required in the circumstances.

If you are an employee, consultant or volunteer, we may also record relevant information relating to your employment including your tax file number, family emergency contact details, any relevant medical and health information, information about police checks, working with children checks, information about your right to work in Australia, information relating to social security or Government programs, as well as any training, qualifications and records relating to your period of service, which may include relevant health records. Employees may also be required to update their information from time to time.

As an Employee, you will be obliged to adhere to this Policy if the personal information of other people is available to you.

Accuracy of personal information we hold

We take all reasonable precautions to ensure that the personal information we collect, use or disclose is accurate, up-to-date, complete and relevant. However, the accuracy of that personal information will to a large extent depend on the information that you provide to us. 

To help ensure the accuracy of the personal information we hold about you, we ask that you:

  • inform us if you become aware of any errors in the personal information we hold about you; and
  • inform us of changes to your personal information, such as changes to your name or address or other contact details.

How you can access or correct your personal information

You may request access to and seek correction of the personal information we hold about you, by making a request in writing to our Privacy Officer. We will respond to your request within a reasonable period of time and, where reasonable and practicable, grant you access to and/or correct your personal information in the manner you request, subject to any exemptions provided under the Privacy Act.

We will provide a mediation process for any access requests which are refused by us. If on any occasion access is denied, we will also provide reasons for such a refusal.

Anonymous information and cookies

When you access our website, we may record anonymous information such as your IP address, the time and date you accessed our website, how you were referred to our website and the sections/pages you accessed. Cookies may be used by us to enable you to be provided with a full range of products and/or services, to remember your preferences, to measure and analyse usage of our website and for security purposes.

Cookies may also collect and store your personal information. This Policy applies to information collected in this way. You may adjust your Internet browser to disable cookies, however this may result in you not being able to access the full range of website content.

Our website may include links to third party websites who may collect personal information through the use of cookies and otherwise. We are not responsible for personal information collected by third party websites.

How to contact us regarding privacy matters

If you have any questions in relation to privacy matters, please contact our Privacy Officer via email at: [email protected] or by phone on (03) 9699 9990.


Should you wish to make a complaint about us regarding a breach of our privacy obligations, you should make a complaint in writing to our Privacy Officer via [email protected]. You may also make a complaint verbally. We will seek to respond to any complaint within a reasonable period of time. We may seek further information from you in order to provide a complete response.

If we fail to respond to your complaint within 30 days or you are unsatisfied with our response, you may make a complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC). You may contact the OAIC via telephone on 1300 363 992, by submitting a complaint or inquiry online at or by emailing [email protected].